なぜ、そこに、存在するのか?その時は理解出来ない、人間とは常にその様なのもだ!我が家の雨樋の処に、二本の杉の幼木が生えてきた!私が苗木を植えたのではない、自然に生えてきたのだ?孫たちが産まれる前のことだ、今では私の背丈を超えている。ここままに放置して置けば手に余るかも知れない、だが、私はこの杉の木を切らない。「二人の孫が、やがて、貴方の家族に成るよ」と伝えてくれた気がするからだ?「私はキミたちと此処に居るのだよ」日本製の武器で人が殺される事を望まない、自衛隊の海外派遣で、隊員も外国の人々が死ぬのも望まない!戦いからは何も解決できない、わが国の人々が平和ボケでいいのです。戦争をする国に作り替える政党を支持しない、自国を豊かに成るために手段を選ばない経済発展よりも、貧しい国を選びたい!それ故に、反原発反戦を八王子の夕焼けの里から訴えているのです!Why, there, or to exist? I do not understand at that time, I always be the such and human!The processing of home of rain gutter, has grows two cedar young trees of! I not had planted the seedlings, and he has been growing naturally? The thing before the grandchildren are born, but now it is beyond my stature. It may be too much for you if you put it to stand here remain, but, I do not turn off the tree of this cedar. "The two grandchildren is, eventually, by become your family" because I feel to you Tell her to? Not wishing to people are killed in a weapon, "I of I'll be here and you guys" made in Japan, overseas dispatch of Self-Defense Forces, members also does not want even to die foreign people! Can not be solved anything from battle, I Japanese people is good in peace blur. It does not support a political party that remake the country to war, than economic development that does not choose the means to become a rich their country, you want to choose a poor country! Hence, I have complained the anti-nuclear anti-war from the village of Hachioji sunset!世界中の子供たちに反原発反戦で笑顔を!#日本#東京#八王子#夕焼けの里#反原発#反戦#Facebook #Twitter #Tumblr #LinkedIn #Ameba ##G+#YouTube#nifty#Yahoo!#Hatena#CROOZ#Google#GREE世界中の子供たちに反原発反戦で笑顔を!日本国八王子市夕焼けの里の68歳の老人が2人目の孫たちの未来の幸せのために反原発反戦を訴えます!Children around the world to smile in anti-nuclear anti-war! 68-year-old old man of the village of Japan Hachioji sunset will appeal the anti-nuclear anti-war for the sake of happiness of the future of the 2nd grandchildren!